Networks are the cornerstone of business progression

Networking has proven to be one of the most effectual ways to get referrals and enhance your income.

82% of business owners say the majority of their business comes from referrals. However, most of them do not have a credible way to systematically get referrals.

NBN being the Best Business Networking venture proposes a proven referral marketing system to subsidize you to progress your local business through a trusted network of like-minded people who come together to help each other spring up.

The World's Largest Referral Network Organization

Founded in january 1985, NBN is the world's largest and most thriving Best Business Referral Network, helping SMEs in 79 countries with more than 11,083 branches to expand their business over the past 38 years.

How does it work?

NBN membership renders the right environment, training and support to fabricate trusted relationships that help elevate your Business And Networking in the long run. Weekly local chapter meetings follow a structured agenda that has been proven to maximize referrals.

Crores of Business Done in last 12 months
Referrals passed
Join us for a NBN Networking Meeting
Visiting an NBN stand is free and confers you the opportunity to engage with quality business professionals of Business Network Company in your local community to explore opportunities.

Benefits of Joining NBN

Scale Your Business

Expand Your Business

NBN membership is a referral network that works wonders for you! Our Givers GainĀ® core value fetches members together to support each other's business progression by rendering qualified referrals and opportunities.

Attending a chapter meeting is the sovereign way to experience first-hand power of a reliable business network. It enlightens how the NBN can alter the future of your business by meeting quality business professionals in your area.

Cultivate Business Relationships

Evolve Business Relationships

We build trusted relationships. Your NBN membership helps evolve long-term business relationships based on a solid foundation of our time-tested core values. Every member of your professional business network contributes to your success, and you contribute to their success.

Become a Master Connector

Become a Master Connector

Become a Master

NBN membership confers you access to mentors, network experts and a range of professional development resources through the NBN Business Builder platform to stimulate your skills and confer you a competitive edge.

Thrive Online and Offline

Three ways to experience the NBN


NBN In-Person

A very personal way to meet, connect and elevate.


On the NBN network

A convenient way to meet, communicate and progress comfortably at home or in the office.


NBN Hybrid

The best of both. Meet in person the first week of the month and online the rest.

Join us for a NBN Networking Meeting
Visiting an NBN stand is free and confers you the opportunity to engage with quality business professionals of Business Network Company in your local community to explore opportunities.


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